When I was dealing with Gastroparesis I suffered from extreme anxiety & had very bad sleep problems. I don’t think anyone wants to be ill like you are with Gastroparesis day in and day out, it will drive a person crazy. Also none of my doctors really wanted to admit at the time that I had a physical problem and were feeding me the line that it was in my head. They could not find anything wrong physically with me, so it of course, had to be mental – this is what doctors like to do when they can’t figure out the problem; blame the patient.

During this time period I did see a real psychiatrist & a counselor to supposedly help me deal with my problems. Perhaps the only useful thing I got out of these visits was the suggestion of meditation. In my view though, meditation can only go so far to help a person who is really suffering from an ailment.  Perhaps it’s just me as I am very analytical & suspicious of things, so it’s hard for me to let go and assume that clearing ones mind & breathing deep is going to result in actual healing. Perhaps though meditation isn’t really meant to be a healing mechanism(though some may have positive results from it), it’s more of a coping mechanism.

My counselor recommended a book called :book-fullcatastrophelivingaff:  written by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I was willing to try anything at the time, so I bought the book. The book is somewhat interesting, it details how Jon helped people in chronic pain use meditation to reduce or alleviate the suffering they were experiencing from it. As for how this helped my gastroparesis situation, unfortunately I can’t give it any accolades there. I was still anxious and suggestions in the book did not really help me a whole lot. Ultimately getting over my gastroparesis(thanks possible to a :bcomplexaff:) allowed me to greatly reduce my anxiety & slowly get off of Prozac. I am sure people who recover from illness or injury feel a great deal of mental relief, unfortunately this doesn’t happen for everyone though.

The book was not all lost on me though. The deep breathing exercises, which arguably are one of the fundamentals of the book and of meditation in general, do indeed help me out from time to time. Just last night I was feeling a little bloated & the stomach was gurgling while lying in bed getting ready to sleep. I placed my hand on my stomach, breathed in deeply expanding the stomach, breathed out slowly retracting the stomach. I repeated this multiple times. This technique did help quite a bit. I am not sure if it was the mind easing off of the discomfort or perhaps the expansion of my stomach helped it digest better. Regardless, it did help.

Ultimately others may find meditation more useful than I have. Perhaps it’s my mind set, I am usually always pondering stuff and thinking of different fixes for my IBS or my life in general or other people’s lives… It’s hard to just let go. I do like relaxation though, light music, warm room, warm tea, resting… Very comfortable. Digestive sufferers should set aside some time to do something peaceful & quiet, to help the soul & the body. Perhaps it’s a warm bath or shower or reading a book. Though it’s understandable if this is difficult to do for some. Life already has enough drama in it, adding IBS or some other illness on top of it, just makes things that much harder to handle. Hopefully though, everyone out there will find some relaxation and comfort, at least once in awhile.


Vitamin D & Irritable Bowel Syndrome

October 21st, 2009 - Written by - 8 comments

Vitamin D & Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Was browsing over @ IBSGroup.org & found a blog post by user ‘absoluterob’ about Vitamin D deficiency. It is an interesting post on how Vitamin D can help reduce inflammation. Vitamin D is known as ”the sunshine vitamin” since most people produce it naturally by being out in the sun. I don’t get a whole lot of sunlight during my day & a lot of people in the northern hemisphere probably don’t get a lot either. Besides helping with inflammation it also helps with mood. Seasonal Affective Disorder which is basically seasonal depression is suspected to be caused partially by a lack of sunlight/Vitamin D production. So overall it would seem like supplementing Vitamin D would be a wise idea. Continue reading “Vitamin D & Irritable Bowel Syndrome” »

New Guide Coming Soon!

Haven’t posted in a bit on this blog. I am currently working on a comprehensive IBS guide that will be easy to navigate and have a whole host of information & links to products that could be helpful. There’s a lot of information out there about IBS and it’s hard to get it all in one place. I am hoping to unveil it soon :).

My Continuing IBS Story!

As far as my IBS story goes, I was tapering on to Nature’s Way Primadophilus for Children. I was a little leery due to it containing FOS(gassy sugars) . I slowly tapered from 1/8th teaspoon up to a full teaspoon. Things were going okay, until I forgot to close my fridge all the way one night and everything spoiled. Thinking that the probiotics were probably spoiled as well, I got a new container. It would appear that this container may have been a bit fresher than the other container. I got really bad gas & bloating from it. Perhaps I wasn’t getting as many probiotic bacteria into my gut with the old container. I then tried to switch out to FloraSmart, which has 6 billion CFUs(considerably more than Nature’s Way Primadophilus for Children), thinking perhaps I had worked through the burn-in period with the Nature’s Way Primadophilus for Children. I was hoping wouldn’t have the problems(constipation) I had with FloraSmart in the past. I was wrong. Took a single pill and it clogged me up for a day or two! So right now I am off the probiotic wagon, so to speak.

Hope is not all lost though. There are many different brands of probiotics out there to still try. I am still thinking of trying out Nature’s Way Primadophilus Junior. Yes I keep going for the kiddie brands because they contain less CFUs per serving, so it’s easier to manage dosages. Using the powdered form it was easy to taper using a set of measuring spoons and just moving up to the next spoon each week. The NNature’s Way Primadophilus Junior comes with 1 million CFUs per capsule & no FOS! I’ll update later once I’ve put it through a test run.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome linked to viral infection.

A recent study show as connection between a viral infection &  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS). CFS is known to cause extreme fatigue, headaches & an overall feeling of illness. I’ve ready over the symptoms and I can’t quite say I have it. I do feel fatigued quite often nor do I feel very refreshed after sleep. I am not sure if other people have problems with stretching, but usually if I get up and stretch in the morning my muscle ache and I feel extremely fatigued after doing so. Sometimes I feel like I am almost going to faint. So maybe I have mild CFS? I can’t say for sure as I haven’t been diagnosed. Getting a diagnoses for CFS is probably just as hard as getting one for IBS, as many doctors think it’s all in your head. Mainly it’s just nice to see research progressing on an illness like CFS because it has similarities to IBS, what with how it is usually onset after a viral infection and many doctors don’t know how to treat or cure it. Perhaps in time they will find a link / cure for IBS. One can hope!

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