This was originally posted on my Diet IBS Guide

I had someone ask if they would be able to get unemployment insurance if they quit their job due to the symptoms of their Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is somewhat tricky & suffering from a chronic illness far from guarantees that you will receive unemployment benefits if you quit or are fired. Continue reading “Unemployment Insurance and Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Other Medical Conditions” »

Treatments For Gastroparesis

September 8th, 2010 - Written by - 2 comments

I am posting this information up for people who are dealing with GP or knows someone who is. These are treatment options that go towards the heart of the problem to hopefully improve quality of life. There are additional drugs that people may add such as proton pump inhibitor(heartburn medication), anti-emetic(nausea suppression). Continue reading “Treatments For Gastroparesis” »

Perhaps you’ve heard about all natural colon cleanses that cure your body by ridding toxins and built up waste in your system. Usually these colon cleansing systems are touted as miracle cures for everything from Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Crohn’s Disease to even cancers. Unfortunately the truth is that there is no ultimate or best colon cleansing program & in fact most are downright frauds. Continue reading ““Natural” Colon Cleanses May Ultimately Not Be Healthy” »

Debbie DeAngelo of wrote an article highlighting some interesting things about ovarian cancer which routinely goes undetected due to misinterpreting warning symptoms. I will have to admit that the symptoms are rather vague and could be hard to decipher as being related to ovarian cancer, especially for someone with a chronic digestive disease like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Crohn’s Disease.

Some symptoms too look out for are:

“…abdominal bloating, increased abdominal size and urinary urgency.”

as well as:

“…feeling full after a small meal, unexplained weight loss, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue and abnormal uterine bleeding.”

Factors that could put you at risk are:

…[a] personal history of breast cancer, family history of breast, uterine, ovarian or colorectal cancer, certain breast cancer genes and use of fertility drugs, especially without achieving pregnancy.

Check out the full article on

Today Show Highlights Gastroparesis

September 2nd, 2010 - Written by - 3 comments

On Sept 2nd, 2010 the Today show ran a segment on Gentrie McKall Hansen, a girl, who recently was diagnosed with Gastroparesis & underwent surgery for an Enterra neuro-stimulator implant. I am glad Gastroparesis is getting some national attention. Her story highlights major issues with our medical system here in the United States. So many things are written off as being “in your head” or mental problems. We’re starting to have a problem with “fast food” doctors, who do not truly care about or listen to their patients or possibly are under immense pressure to push patients in & out the door. I think another story that highlights this is Michael Douglas’ recent diagnosis of stage 4 throat cancer, even though he had been trying to find the reason for his sore throat and ear ache for months, no one caught his cancer early until now. It makes me angry, isn’t the United States supposedly the best healthcare system in the world?

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Gentrie’s Hunger Game
Gentrie McKall Hansen’s facebook
Gastroparesis & Dysmotilities Association
Living With Gastroparesis

Plantains at market stand.

Plantains - Photo By Daegis

Well it appears your mother may have been right about eating your broccoli, especially if you’re dealing with Crohn’s Disease. Scientists have found that people dealing with Crohn’s Disease seem to have problems with certain bacteria invading their gut, specifically a certain type of E. Coli. The fiber in Broccoli & Plantains may help block the E. Coli bacteria from being absorbed by the gut, thus reducing chances of infection & irritation.

Just what is a plantain? It’s basically a banana that isn’t sweet. In some places you can find “plantain chips” which are salted, not sweetened. As far as broccoli goes, the best way to cook

it is to steam it until it’s brilliant green, then remove it immediately. This will allow it to retain flavor & texture. I really do no like mushy broccoli. Even with these findings some people may not be able to tolerate these foods, so don’t put caution to the wind. Take it slow.


University of Liverpool Press Release

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