A study done by researchers in Norway shows a link between Giardia infection & development of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Researchers gave 817 patients who were exposed to Giardia lamblia mail-in questionnaires which asked them to explain any current symptoms they were experiencing. These patients infection was the result of a waterborne outbreak of Giardia which occured three years prior. They compared these patients answers with those from a control group containing 1128 people. Continue reading “Giardia Infection Linked to Irritable Bowel & Chronic Fatigue” »

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals is seeking approval from the European Medicines Agency for their Irritable Bowel Syndrome drug Linaclotide.

Almirall is the licensee of Linaclotide for European markets. They along with Linaclotide manufacturer, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, submitted a Marketing Authorization Application to the European Medicines Agency in a bid to gain access to European markets. Along with the application they submitted the results of their Phase III trials showcasing the benefits they feel Linaclotide provides patients who are dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If approved the drug would be sold under the brand name of Constella. Continue reading “Ironwood’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation Drug Seeking European Approval” »

Researchers at the University of Manitoba have done a broad scale investigational research project into the link between antibiotics usage & Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis.

The study suggested that those given 3 or more dosages of antibiotics have as much as 50% higher likelihood of developing Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis within 2 years. Over 2,200 patients with either Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis between 2001 and 2008 were matched to over 22,300 control participants based on gender, age & location. Researchers used the Manitoba Drug Program Information Network, which is a comprehensive database of all drug prescriptions for Manitobans going back as far as 1995. While the researchers found that most all antibiotics pose a similar risk, metronidazole(Flagyl/MetroGel) posed the highest risk while penecillan appeared to pose the lowest. Continue reading “Recent Antibiotic Use Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases” »

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