Ironwood Pharmaceuticals is seeking approval from the European Medicines Agency for their Irritable Bowel Syndrome drug Linaclotide.
Almirall is the licensee of Linaclotide for European markets. They along with Linaclotide manufacturer, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, submitted a Marketing Authorization Application to the European Medicines Agency in a bid to gain access to European markets. Along with the application they submitted the results of their Phase III trials showcasing the benefits they feel Linaclotide provides patients who are dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If approved the drug would be sold under the brand name of Constella. Continue reading “Ironwood’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation Drug Seeking European Approval” »
After relatively successful Phase III trials Ironwood Pharmaceuticals’ has applied for final FDA approval of their flagship drug, Linaclotide, which is for the treatment of constipation & pain related Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms.
Continue reading “Ironwood Pharmaceuticals’ Linaclotide IBS Drug Looking For Final FDA Approval” »
Those trying to improve their health may actually be making it worse or even risking severe injury by taking colon cleansing products which are often costly & have dubious benefit.
A few months ago I wrote about my negative thoughts on colon cleansing products & how I felt they weren’t healthy, safe or cost effective treatment for digestive system problems. Of all the bogus health products out there colon cleansing is probably at the top of the list for deceiving people about it’s potential benefits. Continue reading “Colon Cleansing Offers Little Benefit & Dangerous For Some” »
A recent minor spat between the University of Iowa & the University of Melbourne brings awareness to the roles that prunes, sorbitol & FODMAPs play in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Prunes were the topic of discussion in a recent debate over their effectiveness in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome constipation. The debate started over a bit of research done by the University of Iowa’s Department of Gastroenterology which suggested that prunes were possibly a more effective treatment option than psyllium husks for those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome constipation. Continue reading “Irritable Bowel Syndrome & The Great Prune Debate” »
Today we’re investigating one the body’s most vital minerals, magnesium. We’ll be taking a look at two different magnesium supplements: Nature’s Bounty 500mg Magnesium tablets & Nature’s Way 500mg Magnesium Complex capsules.

Magnesium plays an important role in many functions of the human body. It has been linked to helping prevent osteoporosis, diabetes, anxiety, migraines, indigestion, constipation and other ailments. Magnesium is also important for activation of cellular energy(ATP,Adenosine triphosphate). While magnesium is one of the most common elements in the human body most people do not intake enough magnesium on a daily basis. Continue reading “Review: Best Magnesium Supplement? Nature’s Bounty Versus Nature’s Way” »
A study by Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine suggests that acupuncture may have a positive effect for those with diarrhea predominate Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The study took 30 male rats & put them through various stressors such as drinking water deprivation, electric shock & uncomfortable temperature variations. The rats were then divided into two groups, with 20 rats acting as the baseline model for the study while the other 10 were selected to receive acupuncture. The acupuncture was administered to the following acupuncture “channels”: “Xiajiao” (Lower Abdomen), “Dachang” (Large Intestine), “Gan” (Liver) and “Pi” (Spleen). Acupuncture treatments were given twice daily for seven days.
The results showed that the rats who did not receive acupuncture saw a downgraded level of serotonin transporters. Meanwhile, rats who did receive acupuncture saw markedly higher levels of serotonin transporters versus the model group. Continue reading “Acupuncture May Help Regulate Serotonin Levels In Those With IBS” »
Today we’re taking a look at Nature’s Way Psyllium Husks capsules.
Psyllium husks come from the seeds of the psyllium plant. Psyllium husks are hydrophilic meaning they are attracted to water & readily absorb it. When saturated with water psyllium husks produce mucilage which is a thick gooey substance. Mucilage creates a film over mucous membranes, such as those found in the intestines. This film can help with the passage of stool as well as lowering inflammation by reducing the chances of irritation.
Psyllium husk is not digestible so it can be thought of as a “bulking agent”, meaning it will help add size to stool potentially increasing the chances of properly formed stool, which can aid with proper bowel movements.Psyllium husk is often advertised as a laxative, but it’s not a stimulant & can be used on a daily basis for those who want to try adding fiber to their their daily diet or treatment regimen. Fiber supplementation can be helpful for things like chronic diarrhea or constipation related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases like Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. Continue reading “Review: Nature’s Way Psyllium Husks” »
Today we’re reviewing Custom Probiotics CP-1 Adult Formula, a multi-strain probiotic containing 50 billion colony forming units.
When I first started looking into getting on a serious probiotic regimen I believed the holy grail of probiotics would be a low CFU(colony forming units) probiotic that you could slowly taper up as you got used to it. CFU is a measurement of the number of colony forming bacteria units inside a probiotic supplement. Supposedly the idea is that the more CFU the higher chances the bacteria will populate the digestive system.
My target at the time was around 1 billion CFU. This is why I reviewed a lot of products like Primadophilus for Children & Align. Part of the reason I was concerned with finding a low CFU probiotic was due to the fact that I often experienced herx reactions(flu like symptoms) & constipation when taking probiotics. My thought was that if I go low & slow, my body will adjust as I taper up. I’ve since learned that any probiotic I take gives me these reactions, so for me, low & slow has failed. I was often not taking probiotics because of the symptoms they produced.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the digestive system has literally zillions of bacteria within it. For someone with a serious bacterial imbalance, a 1 billion CFU probiotic product may cause a negative reaction like herx, but not offer any benefit as the bacteria die off before they can do anything worthwhile. Continue reading “Review: Custom Probiotics CP-1 50 Billion CFU Adult Formula” »
Plecanatide & Linaclotide are two drugs made by two different companies but both target Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a similar way.
Plecanatide is being developed by Synergy Pharmaceuticals while Linaclotide is being developed by Ironwood Pharmaceuticals. These drugs are targeted towards those with constipation predominant IBS with associated IBS related abdominal pain. Continue reading “Plecanatide & Linaclotide, Similar Experimental Treatments For IBS” »
A recent study published in Gastroenterology(Vol. 140, Issue 5) has found that Dronabinol may help with treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Dronabinol is a purified form of THC which is the active ingredient of cannabis(Marijuana).
Patients were split into two groups, one group was given 2.5mg of Dronabinol while the other group was given 5mg. Tests were done to measure colon motility & compliance 1 hour after taking the oral treatment & 1 hour after eating a 1,000 calorie meal. Continue reading “Study Supports Marijuana’s THC Helpful For IBS” »