HR 2239 “Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2011” could increase funding for disease like Gastroparesis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Everyone out there who is dealing with a functional gastrointestinal and motility disorder(FGIMD) needs to listen up & get the word out to their friends, family & especially their local US district representative about H.R. 2239 the “Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2011“. The goal of the bill is to increase funding for functional & motility related gastrointestinal diseases. Continue reading “Please Support HR 2239 “Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2011”” »

Today we’re taking a look at Now Foods Artichoke Extract Capsules.

Now Foods Artichoke Extract 450mg BottleArtichoke extract is taken from the leaves of the artichoke plant. The leaves contain Cynarine which increases bile production from the liver & gall bladder. Bile is a bitter substance that is used in the lower digestive tract to help digest food, especially fats. Artichoke extract also contains luteolin & apigenin which are flavones. Luteolin looks to have some benefits as far as helping control the immune system & reducing inflammation. Apigenin benefits are sketchy at best, but it is a known inhibitor of the CYP2C9 enzyme which many pharmaceutical drugs rely on to work. So if you rely on one of these drugs, you might need to hold off on using artichoke extract despite the dosage of apigenin being small. Continue reading “Review: NOW Foods Artichoke Extract” »

A recent small scale study shows that people who have long term Functional Dyspepsia are more likely to have sleep disturbances or anxiety.

Functional Dyspepsia is essentially chronic indigestion. It usually involves bloating, belching, nausea & heartburn. Often Functional Dyspepsia is not an often diagnosis. Many doctors seem to prefer to link these symptoms to acid reflux. Functional Dyspepsia may have links to stomach motility issues & may actually be a milder form of Gastroparesis. This hasn’t been confirmed because often motility tests are not done on patients complaining of these symptoms. The reason is is called “Functional Dyspepsia” is because it is usually a diagnosis given to people after normal diagnostics show nothing wrong. Continue reading “Funky Sleep Linked to Functional Dyspepsia” »

Review: Iberogast for Irritable Bowel(IBS)Buy Iberogast from

Today I’ll be reviewing Iberogast, a natural herbal pro-kinetic motility agent distributited by Medical Futures & Flordis.

warning: According to the the Flordis website, Iberogast contains Ethanol which  may be derived from corn. If you have a  severe corn allergy, you should not use Iberogast.

So first off, what is a motility?

Motility is basically another word for movement. Movement in your digestive tract is obviously important. It’s especially important that these movements are coordinated. A lot of digestive problems can be linked to poor motility, such as chronic indigestion, gastroparesis, constipation or diarrhea. Continue reading “Review: Iberogast for Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Gastroparesis” »

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