Today we’re taking a look at Now Foods Artichoke Extract Capsules.

Now Foods Artichoke Extract 450mg BottleArtichoke extract is taken from the leaves of the artichoke plant. The leaves contain Cynarine which increases bile production from the liver & gall bladder. Bile is a bitter substance that is used in the lower digestive tract to help digest food, especially fats. Artichoke extract also contains luteolin & apigenin which are flavones. Luteolin looks to have some benefits as far as helping control the immune system & reducing inflammation. Apigenin benefits are sketchy at best, but it is a known inhibitor of the CYP2C9 enzyme which many pharmaceutical drugs rely on to work. So if you rely on one of these drugs, you might need to hold off on using artichoke extract despite the dosage of apigenin being small. Continue reading “Review: NOW Foods Artichoke Extract” »

A recent study looked at the effectiveness of two offline therapies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Stress Management Therapy, in an online setting.

The 195 participants in the study were assigned to either an online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy course or an online Stress Management Therapy course. Both courses lasted for 10-weeks. The courses consisted of self-help reading material along with course participants interacting with each other & a professional therapist via online messaging. Once the courses were done participants were questioned on their IBS symptoms, they were questioned again 6-months later.

The immediate results after either course suggested that both therapies provided “adequate relief”. However interviews 6-months later point towards Cognitive Behavioral Therapy having the beneficial edge at 67% reporting IBS symptom control, compared to 45%  for those who took the Stress Management Therapy course. Continue reading “Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Be Effective for IBS” »

Plecanatide & Linaclotide are two drugs made by two different companies but both target Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a similar way.

Plecanatide is being developed by Synergy Pharmaceuticals while Linaclotide is being developed by Ironwood Pharmaceuticals. These drugs are targeted towards those with constipation predominant IBS with associated IBS related abdominal pain. Continue reading “Plecanatide & Linaclotide, Similar Experimental Treatments For IBS” »

Canadian researchers from the University of Toronto released info on a study that looks at the impact physical abuse as a child plays in developing chronic illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.

“Women who reported they had been physically abused as children have twice the odds of chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities, and 65 per cent higher odds of fibromyalgia” says lead investigator Professor Esme Fuller-Thomson Continue reading “Abusive Childhood Could Play Part In IBS, Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia” »

Athletes, who are usually thought to be the epitome of health, often deal with the devastating impacts of digestive illness.

While our favorite sports heroes may seem superhuman many of them must face diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,  Inflammatory Bowel Diseases & other ailments just like everyone else.  While it can be embarrassing to talk about digestive diseases, many athletes do step forward & share their story, helping to gain awareness & understanding. Continue reading “Major League & College Baseball Players Deal With IBS & IBD” »

Asimadoline may see use in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome sooner thanks to being “fast tracked” by the FDA.

Tioga Pharmaceuticals announced via press release that they have received fast track status from the FDA on their drug Asimadoline. Asamadoline is an agonist which binds to the kappa opioid receptor. The kappa opioid receptors reside in the brain, spinal cord & peripheral nervous system. Asimadoline is targeted to work on the peripheral nervous system, while avoiding the brain due to it’s inability to cross past the blood brain barrier. Clinical trials of Asimadoline show that the drug is helpful with treating pain, discomfort & urgency in those with diarrhea predominant IBS symptoms. Continue reading “Asimadoline IBS Drug Gets Fast Tracked By FDA” »

Recent studies from Digestive Disease Week 2011 link the bowel, brain & meditation.

Lots of interesting studies being reported fresh off the heals of Digestive Disease Week 2011. The study we’re discussing today looks at the usefulness of meditation & support groups for the treatment of symptoms in those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Continue reading “Irritable Bowel Syndrome, The Brain & Meditation” »

A recent study published in Gastroenterology(Vol. 140, Issue 5) has found that Dronabinol may help with treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Dronabinol is a purified form of THC which is the active ingredient of cannabis(Marijuana).

Patients were split into two groups, one group was given 2.5mg of Dronabinol while the other group was given 5mg. Tests were done to measure colon motility & compliance 1 hour after taking the oral treatment & 1 hour after eating a 1,000 calorie meal. Continue reading “Study Supports Marijuana’s THC Helpful For IBS” »

Haemochromatosis can mimic symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

South African website Business Today is running a story about Roger Keyte, a 50 year old man who visited doctors after experiencing intermittent digestive problems for months. His symptoms ranged from stomach ache to diarrhea. Instead of being diagnosed with an infection, parasites or a functional disorder like Irritable Bowel Syndrome it turns out he had an often overlooked genetic condition called Haemochromatosis(iron overload). Continue reading “Iron Overload Can Mimic Irritable Bowel Syndrome” »

E. Coli’s impact on digestive health can be good or bad, depending on the strain.

A recent study brought to light some interesting information about how different strains of E. Coli(Escherichia coli) affect those with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease. The study looked at patients who had Crohn’s Disease & where infected with the “adherent-invasive E.Coli”(AIEC) strain “LF82”. It appears that another strain of E. Coli called “E. Coli Nissle 1917” is an effective way of treating LF82 infection & can improve symptoms considerably. Continue reading “E. Coli’s Relationship With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases” »

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